Pierre Hosteins
Ricercatore/Ricercatrice a tempo determinato di tipo B
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- SSD: MAT/09 - ricerca operativa
- ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4186-9127
- n/d
- n/d
- pierre.hosteins@unito.it
- Dipartimento di Informatica.
- https://laurea.informatica.unito.it/persone/pierre.hosteins
- VCard contatti
- Computer Science Department
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- Corso di laurea in Informatica
- Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica
- PhD in Computer Science
Prodotti della ricerca selezionati
A survey of Flex-Route Transit problem and its link with Vehicle Routing Problem
2024-01-01 Shahin R.; Hosteins P.; Pellegrini P.; Vandanjon P.-O.; Quadrifoglio L. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950594
Constructive–destructive heuristics for the Safe Set Problem
2023-01-01 Boggio Tomasaz A.; Cordone R.; Hosteins P. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950593
A combinatorial branch and bound for the safe set problem
2023-01-01 Boggio Tomasaz A.; Cordone R.; Hosteins P. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950592
A full factorial sensitivity analysis for a capacitated Flex-Route Transit system
2023-01-01 Shahin R.; Hosteins P.; Pellegrini P.; Vandanjon P.-O. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950591
Complexity of the multilevel critical node problem
2022-01-01 Nabli A.; Carvalho M.; Hosteins P. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950590
The Connected Critical Node Problem
2022-01-01 Hosteins P.; Scatamacchia R.; Grosso A.; Aringhieri R. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1879002
Train management in freight shunting yards: Formalisation and literature review
2022-01-01 Deleplanque S.; Hosteins P.; Pellegrini P.; Rodriguez J. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950570
The stochastic critical node problem over trees
2020-01-01 Hosteins P.; Scatamacchia R. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950560
A compact mixed integer linear formulation for safe set problems
2020-01-01 Hosteins P. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950561
Integrating yards, network and optimisation models towards real-time rail freight yard operations|Integrazione di impianti merci, rete e modelli di ottimizzazione per l’esercizio in tempo reale degli impianti
2020-01-01 Licciardello R.; Adamko N.; Deleplanque S.; Hosteins P.; Liu R.; Pellegrini P.; Peterson A.; Wahlborg M.; Za'tko M. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950559
A bi-objective model for the single-machine scheduling problem with rejection cost and total tardiness minimization
2019-01-01 Cordone R.; Hosteins P. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950557
Polynomial and pseudo-polynomial time algorithms for different classes of the Distance Critical Node Problem
2019-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre*; Scatamacchia, Rosario https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1662827
Simple but effective heuristics for the 2-Constraint Bin Packing Problem
2018-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Duma, Davide; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1627345
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the prize-collecting single-machine scheduling problem with deadlines and total tardiness minimization
2018-01-01 Cordone R.; Hosteins P.; Righini G. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950555
The Prize-collecting Scheduling Problem with Deadlines
2016-01-01 Hosteins P.; Cordone R.; Righini G. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950553
A General Evolutionary Framework for different classes of Critical Node Problems
2016-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre; Scatamacchia, Rosario https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1583153
Hybrid constructive heuristics for the critical node problem
2016-01-01 Addis, Bernardetta; Aringhieri, Roberto; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1555950
Local Search Metaheuristics for the Critical Node Problem
2016-01-01 R. Aringhieri; A. Grosso; P. Hosteins; R. Scatamacchia https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1509060
A Genetic Algorithm for a class of Critical Node Problems
2016-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1562070
A preliminary analysis of the Distance Based Critical Node Problem
2016-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre; Scatamacchia, Rosario https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1614169
VNS solutions for the critical node problem
2015-01-01 R. Aringhieri; A. Grosso; P. Hosteins; R. Scatamacchia https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/155351
Optimal selection of contracts and work shifts in multi-skill call centers
2014-01-01 Cordone R.; Hosteins P.; Righini G.; Ravizza P.; Piselli A. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1950551
- Optimization algorithms for AI and learning algorithms for optimization problems
PhD in Computer Science - Ottimizzazione Combinatoria (MFN1349)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica - Ricerca Operativa (INF0327)
Corso di laurea in Informatica
Temi di ricerca
Ottimizzazione combinatoria, Programmazione Matematica, problemi di interdizione, ottimizzazione multi-livello, ottimizzazione stocastica, trasporto pubblico.
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