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International Students

Prospective students

In these sections you can find useful informations to matriculate and/or enroll on courses organized by the University of Turin.

Incoming visiting students (Erasmus+, other exchange programs)

The Computer Science program (both Bachelor and Master degrees) are mostly in Italian.

Academic year 2024/25

We offer many "English-friendly" courses defined as:

  • courses with available material in English to prepare the exam, and
  • teacher allowing students to give the exam in English.

The list of these courses is available here.

The following courses (Master degree) are taught in English:

- Simulation and Modelling
- Information theory elements
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning

More courses in English on CS related subjects can be found in the following programs:
- Master in Stochastics and Data Science
- Master in Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine and Healthcare
- Master in Language Technologies and Digital Humanities

Information concerning the forms to be filled, deadlines, accomodation, registration and italian language courses can be found on the International Mobility portal of the University of Turin, in particular on the Instructions for incoming students web page.


First semester: from September to December/January

Second semester: from February to May/June

Schedule of classes

A description (in English) of the courses at the department of Computer Science can be found in the following pages:

The courses available every year may vary.

We suggest to check the department web site for the most up-to-date information: you can see an updated list on this page.

We remind that 1 CFU corresponds to 1 ECTS (8-10 hours of class, depending on the course).

Login activation

To access the Dijkstra and Von Neumann computer labs, it is necessary to request a login.


Via Po 29 - 10124 Torino

Tel. +39 011.670.3020/3021 - Fax 011 2361048
public buses: 13-15-18-55-56-68-61
Skype contact: infopoint.unito

  • Incoming and outgoing teachers and students - International Mobility office of the University of Torino

Tel. +39 011 6704425

E-mail: International Exchange

  • Erasmus Committee of the Department of Computer Science:


  • Erasmus Committee for Learning Agreement:


L'Università di Torino dà il benvenuto a studenti internazionali provenienti da tutto il mondo.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 05/07/2024 09:53
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